Along came with us was Rima. She's from Singapore but probbaly grew up in UK. She speaks English with British accent. She's going to join us to the base camp and from there she and another person will do 20-something day expedition to the pole, unguided! It's really cool to be here and meet these people. Super driven, and tough. She will also conduct some experiments to collect weather data. I didn't have much time to chat with her. I will later on for sure.
I asked Mikhail again about the head count, still unclear. But looks like a lot of them will either have their own guides or unguided, except two participants with a guide (one is me). I will update once I know more about this. My guide will arrive to Longyear tomorrow afternoon, so I am not sure if I will have a training/mockup session as planned or not. Most likely not. This is not the first time these people organize this and yet they're still very unorganized. I will go to the airport with Mikhail tomorrow to pick up my guide and hope I will know more what's coming up next.
These are the pictures I took about two hours ago. Can't be more live than this, can it? :)
The gears I collected today -- the room is different cuz I moved to different hostel.
Me again. It's -20C but seriously not that bad because there's no wind
Rima is trying to sort out the fuel for her expedition
A polar guide for the trip (not my guide) - I didn't catch his name -- he helped find my gears
Outside of the hangar where all the equipments are stored. Notice the cars are very clean, not like those in Toronto in the winter.