Monday, May 4, 2009

In Search of Cookie Recipes

I am not about to open a bakery or impress anyone with my baking (although so far my co-workers loved my baked goods :)). I am looking to create a good recipe for power cookies.

In the North Pole trip, I ate a lot of cookies besides dried fruit and nuts during the breaks when we skied. Some of them from a local bakery near my house, but most of them were provided by Vicaar. While they were pretty good, they did not give the most calorie possible I needed to recharge myself. So for South Pole, I plan to bring my own cookies, with all nutrition needed (fat, protein, carbohydrates and fiber), all packed in a small cookie that is not literally a stone to masticate in -40 degrees.

So far I have created two batches. First batch was terrible, I chucked them all after a few cookies. The seond from two weeks ago was pretty good. I still have them now and plan to consume them all. I used them for my hikings, before/after my workout. So far they work pretty ok but I think these cookies can provide better. I am going to keep trying until I find that perfect recipe that gives me the kick plus keeps me going like the bunny in energizer battery commercial :)

Ingredients for the current recipe:
  • flour
  • eggs
  • oil (olive and vegetable)
  • butter
  • mixed nuts
  • flax seeds
  • honey
  • sugar
  • dried milk
  • cocoa
  • whey protein

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